
Twilight Chapter 2 ItaDei

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Chapter 2

One would imagine how difficult it must be to get up in the morning after a evening of pain and a night of silence to return to school and once again be the perfect student.  A model student, a genius, and an Uchiha.  No one knew of the life of the eldest Uchiha brother outside of school save for his brother, not even his mother was aware of it.  The night before, as always when problems happened, Sasuke had come into his room with a sandwich and drink for him and asked if he needed anything.  Itachi, studying as though nothing had happened, told him he was fine and should do his home work.  Those in the world who share similar lives and wish to hide them understand the processes one goes to cover evidence away from others.  Make up was easy to acquire and only an adequate amount was needed to hide anything on his face.  Long sleeves, forged doctor's notes, fight stories.  Thankfully he didn't need to use any of these methods as no suspicious marks could be seen.

The day went by slowly today, perhaps because it was Friday, perhaps because Itachi was beginning to loath his gym class.  That stupid fool better have done the assignment work.  It didn't matter if the paper wasn't due until Monday, Itachi had finished it easily last night.  There was no way the blond couldn't have done the same.

He was to be disappointed however, for when he arrived to his gym class, listening for the teacher to call order among the students for a head check, the teenager wasn't there.  Shaking it off, he went about the physical education as he was supposed too.  After the class was over and he was showered and ready for the ride home, Itachi went to the teacher and asked where Deidara lived so he could talk to him about the assignment.

"I'm sorry, Itachi-kun," the gym teacher told him, looking apologetically at him.  "I can't give out student information, and I'd have to dig up the information from his records... All I remember is he doesn't live in the best parts of town."

"Does he have a number I can call?" Itachi pushed, crossing his arms loosely.  "I doubt he'll do the assignment without someone pushing him."  He gave the teacher an expression to remind him that he put him in a horrible hole with this assignment.

"I'm sorry, Itachi-kun," he said, shaking his head.  "You could try the park down town, from what I've seen and heard, Deidara and his friends go there a lot, even on hot days like this."  Reaching out, he placed a hand on Itachi's shoulders, giving him a piteous look.  "Please be patient with him," he said, sounding tired.  "Deidara's a smart kid in his defense, he's just got.. the most irritating personality in the world."

"Great, that makes it all better doesn't it," he snapped, turning on his heals to go up the stairs into the main school building, heading towards his car.  Getting in, he paused before turning the car on.  He didn't want to seek him out, but he had no choice.

When Itachi got out of his car, he frowned in distaste at the heat.  It was smouldering.  He couldn't understand why anyone in their right mind would want to be outside let alone being active.  The sounds of people playing behind the chain link fence sickened him to hear.  He needed to come here though.  He would force that brat to do the assignment even if he had to drag him to his house and torture him until he complied.

He shouldn't think like that; it actually sounded appealing.

How can they be so active in this heat? he repeated to himself.  He had only ever driven by the Skate Park, having been told that the place was dangerous as a child.  From where he stood at the entrance, it looked no more then a playground for young adults.  Concrete ramps were scattered over the park as were a court or two and flat places to play.  People were skateboarding or biking on the ramps, or just watching, several people had a game of basketball going on one of the courts and a few people even brought their younger children to play with each other, chalking on the sidewalks under the watchful eye of their parents.  To Itachi the place looked like the biggest place in the city for crime and drug rings.

It wasn't long until his new face and nicer clothes were noticed by the people around the skating rinks.  Some stared without caring, others whispered quietly among themselves, some took him only as some rich kid looking for dope.  Through the crowds on the high ramp, Itachi spotted the unmistakable blond hair of Deidara, shouting down ridicule at the one who'd just finished, laughing with them.  He was wearing nicer clothes today it seemed, they looked somewhat new, Itachi wondered if he stole them.  "Whatcha looking for man?" someone near him asked.

"Him," he said nodding his head.  Deidara shouted something he couldn't understand and threw his arms up, receiving a shout from the people below.  Their response seemed to please him as he dropped down the high ramp.

A few people snickered at hearing Itachi's statement.  Itachi said nothing else to them, ignoring the mutters behind his back.  They seemed amused by the fact that he wanted to talk to the blond who seemed to be top domination in the park.  The blond was showing off in a very unnecessarily on his skateboard, it made Itachi more sick to watch then the weather was.  Someone that obnoxious and physically wrong.  He acted tough, but looked so girly.  Long flowing gold locks and a oddly deep voice.  What the hell was so special about him?

"Yeah, Deidara!" someone shouted as Deidara finally jumped up onto the starting point once again.  People hooted and cheered, those at the stand patting his shoulders.

What a moron, he muttered.  "Looks like a bunch of  show for compensation," Itachi said, smirking nastily.  His voice was casual, yet loud enough to carry over the park.  The cheers stopped for a moment then started up again in a roar of anger, reproaching him for talking down on Deidara.  The blond hadn't heard him, but the teenagers around Itachi had.

"What the fuck is wrong with you, ass wipe?" one snapped, stepping up to Itachi to stare him down.

"You deaf?" Itachi question him, standing his ground in front of the bigger man.

The teenager gave Itachi a short but hard shove. "You don't fucking talk about Deidara like that," he snapped at him.  "You can't just come up here and want to fuck up the fun."

"I'll talk about garbage the way it should be talked about," Itachi stated, batting his hands away from his chest.  He saw the taller man's hands clench ready to hit him a grin trying to slide onto his face but he kept it back.  Beating him to it, he smashed the other's nose with his fist, knocking him onto the concrete with a disgusting crunch.  "My apologies, I was attempting to bring the fun back.  You know us 'rich kids', we're so spoiled, we don't always know what's classified as fun."

The uproar was bigger then he expected.  Everyone saw what happened, and those that didn't were quickly informed as everyone seemed to rush over to them.  Itachi didn't flinch with the oncoming assault, but it stopped nearly five feet away from him, when a sharp voice snapped, though it was difficult to decipher the words over the sound of the angry mob around him.  The crowd parted slightly as the blond pushed his way through to him.  Deidara's sharp blue eyes looked even sharper as he angrily stormed up to Itachi.

"What the hell was that?" he snapped, stopping in front of him.  Itachi never noticed in school how short the blond was compared to him and the people around him.  He looked rather midget like compared to most actually, he wanted to laugh.

"What?" Itachi asked, eyeing him down, specifically... down.  "Can't I join in with your fun?"

"This isn't fun," Deidara snapped.  "This is your sad little self looking for a fight."  Glaring at him, he turned around and looked over at the groaning man on the ground.  "Get him out of here, un," he told the three kneeling next to him.  

Itachi watched the other's obey what Deidara was telling them.  Why anyone would listen to a midget was beyond him.  Ruby eyes followed the movements with a withdrawn intent, deniably curious to how these people lived and moved.  He never hung around what could be classified as the underclass, or out right poor, considering them scum.  It never occurred to him that they considered him scum for being as rich as he was, even though Deidara obviously did.  He even considered his family scum for their rich sophisticated ways, but that didn't stop him from looking down at people.  He watched the blond turn and face him, an evil look about him.  Not only him, but the people around them looked ready for the murder of an Uchiha.  Before the hotheaded boy could say anything, Itachi cut him off.  "I need to talk to you," he told him, expression as stoically dead as ever.

"Like fuck I'll talk to you, un!" Deidara snapped at him, but Itachi wasn't going to risk his grade just because Deidara was being stubborn.  He stared Itachi down, not backing down from the other's glare.  This was so frustrating, Itachi just turned on his heel and walked out towards the parking lot.  He would get him later.

The parking lot wasn't more then a grass spotted pavement outside of the Skate park by the road.  Crowded with cars, and bikes, Itachi had to walk passed a few cars to get to his Mazda.  A few cars seemed out of place for the area, his own included.  That was rather odd, but the Uchiha bypassed it when he saw a group sitting against his car, looking at it like hungry wolves.  Except these wolves didn't look like they just wanted to drool over how nice the car was, or the modifications of it.  Before he could open his mouth to tell them to get away from his car, he was shoved to the side.  Glaring at the back of the green bandanna covered blond head, he followed as Deidara snapped at them to get off the car.

"I don't need your help," Itachi said, stopping at the end of his car.

"I'd rather not have the cops swarming the place because some morons decided to fuck up the head of police's son's car, un," Deidara said.  A few people heard him, starting slightly in surprise of who Itachi was.  

Itachi ignored it, not proud as most would seem at being the son of the great Uchiha Fugaku.  Quite the opposite.  These people hated him as much as Itachi did, yet it didn't make a difference.  He was looked at as though he were Fugaku himself, though he was certain that if his father arrived here, alone and with his nice car, he would have been jumped and his car stolen or destroyed.  Nothing he did would change that, no matter what he did, expectations were always around him and few can go against expectations as high as these.  Top grades, top colleges with studies in the same fields as the rest of his family.  Despite his attempts to be alone, get away from all that, there was always people pretending to faun over him, demanding things from him.  His gaze slid back over to the blond; except this one.  The only thing he expected from him was that he was as he expected all those from rich families to be.  "Get in the car," Itachi ordered, unlocking the car and getting into the drivers side.

"What?" Deidara demanded, hanging back.  He was unsure of what Itachi wanted.  Why would he get in Itachi's car with him?

"Get in the car...please," he suggested, sarcasm laced in his words.  He closed the drivers side and turned the car on, waiting patiently for Deidara to make a decision. Much to his own and the people watching's surprise, Deidara got in the car and slammed the door shut behind him.

"Fuck.  No," he said, leaning closer to him, then turned and got out.  Itachi's eyes darkened angrily as the teenagers hooted and jeered at him for being turned down by the blond.  Anger and confusion was bubbling up in him and he hated it.  He glared at the teens back as he walked away, followed like a gang lord by the others still laughing at the rich boy's knock down.  Shifting gears in a violent gesture, Itachi revved out of his parking lot, tires screeching as he turned into traffic, nearly colliding with someone as he went, leaving behind a group of laughing street kids.

He didn't get it, the boy... teenager.. man - what ever he was - was relentlessly persistent.  Almost as stubborn as himself.  Not even a steady amount of alcohol and a needle of drugs could get his mind off it.  Not even the hand around his waist or the nips at his neck.  Why was he chasing after him over a grade?  His thoughts were interrupted as another glass of alcohol was held in front of him.  His fingers slid over the glass handed to him by the person he was entertaining for the night.  A voice called in his ear over the music, questioning what was wrong with him.  Putting away all thoughts of the eldest Uchiha brother away for the time being; he had other things to think on.  He couldn't entertain when he was thinking on his idiocy.

Moving with the music, the flashing lights and moving bodies around in one fluid movement.  It was ecstasy in it's self, but despite the rush it wasn't enough.  That's what real ecstasy was for and it was rushing through his system. It felt fantastic, like a thrill of a nice ride on an open road. It helped him forget what he was doing and why he needed to do it. He was just another body in the mass of swaying bodies, loosing themselves in the beat of the DJ speakers.
Title: Twilight
Series: Naruto
Characters: Itachi and Deidara

Still suck at summaries. heheh. Chapter 2 where we see a little more into Deidara's life. I like critique. Please Read and Comment :3
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xXameterasuXx's avatar
the last two paras is dei but for sum reason i was wishing it was itachi... >.> <.<